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Société de Biomécanique
Cartographie des laboratoires et formations francophones de biomécanique
Master Entraînement et optimisation de la performance sportive Université Paris-Saclay
  • Etablissement(s) de rattachement: Université Paris-Saclay
  • Niveau de la formation: Master
  • Mention de la formation: Entraînement et optimisation de la performance sportive
  • Parcours au sein de la mention: Sport sciences for health and performance
  • Part de la biomécanique dans la formation: Un module
  • Volume horaire de biomécanique dans la formation: 30 heures
  • Nombre de crédits ECTS lié à la biomécanique: 6
  • Objectifs de la formation: The general objective of the mention is to bridge the gap between research in human movement science and sport practice. More specifically, the masters aims to facilitate the acquisition of basic knowledge and scientific skills in the fields of Physiology, Biomechanics, Psychology and Neuroscience in order to rationalize and improve practices in training, as well as to optimize sports performance. The ultimate objective being the

    necessary application to the sport field and the promotion of athletes health and well-being and naturally, the ramifications into research and development in human movement and sport sciences.

    Learning advanced technological tools used in these different scientific fields (e.g. fast camera, force platform, connected objects, portable gas analysis, etc.) as well as the analyzes associated with the use of these tools (e.g. signals processing, quantitative / qualitative statistics, etc.) and their interpretation contribute to this approach.

    The master will gather highly renowned scholars, health and sport professionals working closely together in a theoretical and practical teaching environment providing students with an original and relevant approach that puts human movement science into practice and vice versa.
  • Débouchés potentiels: Sport and Exercise scientist
    Physical trainer
    Personal coach
    Sports coach
  • Thématiques dans la formation: Analyse et simulation du mouvement, Biomécanique musculosquelettique , Biomécanique du sport
  • Laboratoire(s) associé(s): Complexité, Innovations, Activités Motrices et Sportives (CIAMS)
  • Adresse: Faculté des sciences du sport
  • Code postal: 91400
  • Ville: Orsay
  • Département: Essonne
  • Pays: France
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