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Understanding articular cartilage through image-guided multi-scale mechanical an

  • Patrick Cañadas
  • Auteur du sujet
Plus d'informations
20 Avr 2023 18:33 #792 par Patrick Cañadas
➢ Summary of the project:
In order to understand the response of articular cartilage (AC) to mechanical loads, it is important to
investigate the micro-mechanisms of deformations and stresses that occur within the tissue during
movement, as well as the mechano-biological role of the cells that make up the tissue. The study of load
response of tissue components in healthy and pathological conditions such as osteoarthritis is challenging
because the methods currently used are highly selective at the spatial scale. The present project addresses
these challenges through a multiscale experimental mechanical approach guided by imaging. A numerical
model, informed by experimental data, will confirm the deformation micro-mechanisms and fill the gaps
in understanding the multiscale properties of the tissue. This project is part of a collaboration between
experts in biomechanics and biologists and rheumatologists specialized in AC models.
➢ Location:
The main research site will be the Laboratory of Mechanics and Civil Engineering (LMGC) at the University
of Montpellier (Saint-Priest Campus) with decentralization towards the laboratories of the Institute of
Regenerative Medicine and Biotherapies (IRMB, INSERM/UM, CHU Montpellier, France).
➢ Profile:
The candidate should be highly motivated and passionate about scientific research, with strong analytical
and problem-solving skills. The candidate should have a master's or engineering degree in (bio)mechanics,
materials science, bioengineering, or a related field, as well as a solid understanding of principles in
structural mechanics and materials. Prior knowledge in imaging, experimental techniques, and/or finite
element numerical modeling would be appreciated. Additionally, the candidate should be able to
effectively communicate their research results, both in writing and orally, in both French and English.

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Modérateurs: Bruno Watier
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