The Société de Biomécanique has set up a mentoring program for members of the society attending the annual conference.
This program, inspired by what is done in other societies (ESB, ESMAC, ISPGR...), offers young members the opportunity to meet and consult with senior members during a dedicated time at the conference. For mentors, it's a chance to share experiences and ideas, and to discover the next generation of researchers. It can also mean new perspectives for mentors and mentees and informal relationships for years to come.
How does it work?
- To participate, you must be a member of the Société de Biomécanique and have registered for the annual conference.
- Interested parties (mentors and mentees) must register for the program before September 15 by sending an e-mail to
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. . For mentees, please also attach the application form. - SB matches mentors and mentees.
- Mentor/mentee pairs make contact, ideally before the conference to get to know each other and meet during the dedicated conference time. In 2023, this meeting will occur during lunch on Friday, October 27.
The mentoring program is made possible thanks to the support of our partners.