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Société de Biomécanique

We are proud to announce that Bruker renews its partnership with the Societe de Biomecanique for three years!


Bruker is a developer, manufacturer and distributor of high-performance scientific instruments and analytical and diagnostic solutions that enable to detect, measure and visualize structural characteristics of chemical, biological and industrial material samples at microscopic, molecular and cellular levels


During the 2021 annual congress, Bruker proposes a pre-conference workshop dedicated to the characterization of soft matter:

Current research in biomechanics and mechanobiology requires a multidisciplinary approach to understand the complex mechanistic principles involved in molecular and cellular processes, taking place across several organizational levels, ranging from single molecules, through cells, and tissues. Bruker recently launched two of its state-of-the-art tools for biomechanical characterization and nanoindentation of soft matter - the multipurpose NanoWizard 4 XP AFM and the in-situ Hysitron BioSoft indenter.

Join us for a pre-conference workshop, where we will introduce the concept of multiparametric characterization of soft matter, ranging from single molecules and biomaterials, to cells and tissues. We will start with an overview of the biomechanical applications with both systems, which will be followed by instrument demonstrations, where we will introduce the basics and workflow from sample preparation, handling, and data analysis.

Do not miss the opportunity to get a first-hand experience and learn how BioAFM and NanoIndentation can be applied to provide new insights into your biomechanics research!

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