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Société de Biomécanique

The student and doctoral student representatives on the Board of Directors of the Société de Biomécanique are Romain BECHET and Xavier HUGUES. You can contact them at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

RomainBECHET  Romain Bechet is a PhD student in mechanical bioengineering at the Pprime Institute, Université de Poitiers, since October 2021, and a PhD student member of the SB Board of Directors since June 2023.

 Xavier HUGUES is a PhD student since December 2022 at the Gipsa-Lab laboratory on the campus of Université Grenoble Alpes. His area of research concerns the biomechanics of movement and the musculoskeletal modelling approach to muscle coordination.


Lots of actions are conducted by the Société de Biomécanique for students and young researchers

If you are looking for a subject for an internship, master's degree or PhD, don't hesitate to consult the offers that are regularly posted on the site. You can also submit your own application by logging on.

Looking for a course or laboratory? It couldn't be easier: our map lists the laboratories and courses close to the Société de Biomécanique.

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